Week 6

Woah! 100% in your first ever university test. A happy start. None-the-less, it's happy ending that matters the most. Moreover, many students got a perfect score, and overall average was pretty high. I'm more afraid of the upcoming tests, as they seem to more harder, simply after the results of test 1 being high.

The lecture was shortened to two hours, because of the Thanksgiving holiday the day before forced a cancellation of other tutor's lecture. For me, the main content hovered around the floor. I had done greatest integer function in school, so, the conceptualisation wasn't that difficult, rather understanding the written definition in symbols was the complicating part. This was followed by disproving something, by taking the negation, which wasn't new, and latter limits were proved. The limit portion of the class seemed helpful as the same was going on in MAT137 class. 

Week 5

Freaked Out!

First ever university Mid-Term. First big exam at University. I prepared well, according to me. I solved a couple of last year's paper, and class notes, though, I didn't pay much attention to the sample paper that had been uploaded. Finally, it the clock ticked 6:10, and my paper started. To my very unpleasant surprise, the test was entirely based on the lines of the sample paper. I cursed myself for a minute, but recollected myself and went forward with the test. It went well asI was satisfied with my performance.

Further, the class continued, and Prof. Larry was up with his another well prepared joke to chill down the confused bunch of students after the exam - 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. The lecture continued with more on proofs. This lecture was based upon proving via Contrapositive and Contradiction, and writing proofs for existence and a sequence. Proofs are not my love for sure, but I believe I'll need to spent some time towards it to grasp it properly. 

Week 4

The week started with the announcement of the due assignment 1. This followed by a scarier announcement of the first term test. The lecture focused on bi-implications, and various equivalencies associated with it. The breaking up of a bi-implication into disjunction of two conjunctions and vice-versa was tricky, but at the same fun.

Larry gave us a view about how to structure of a proof, and ended with a few good examples. He gave few good real-life English examples, to justify the point he was making.

The tutorial was comparatively very easy this week, but the next day, we had to submit our assignment. Assignment 1 was really brainy. It was challenging, and required a great amount of time, and discussion with the partner. In the end, writing down the answers in LaTeX was rather more tough than anything. In the end, we (my partner and me) finally figured it out, and submitted the assignment before time.

Week 3

The class was based about some more elements of the language of Math. It started with conjunctions and disjunctions, which was fairly easy to grasp. Larry made sure that we don't get confused with the English meaning, and gave a laughable example of a pen-phone! Then, followed this:

A logician’s wife is having a baby. The
doctor immediately hands the newborn to
the dad.
His wife asks impatiently: “So, is it a boy or
a girl?”
The logician replies: “Yes.

I couldn't believe, that such a mathematical joke could bring a smile on your face. Welcome to Computer Science! Welcome to UofT!

This was followed by discussing the steps of negation, which we were already aware off by now. But points made on scope were helpful. Truth tables were next in turn. He explained why we need truth tables with simple but effective example. We worked over few of the truth tables, and concluded at the meanings of satisfiable, contradiction and tautology. The most important concept of the day was the De Morgan's law.

The second tutorial was nice brain-exercise. The class was loud with discussion and different view-points. This lead to a better understanding of the concept, and was good to tackle something challenging.