Week 5

Freaked Out!

First ever university Mid-Term. First big exam at University. I prepared well, according to me. I solved a couple of last year's paper, and class notes, though, I didn't pay much attention to the sample paper that had been uploaded. Finally, it the clock ticked 6:10, and my paper started. To my very unpleasant surprise, the test was entirely based on the lines of the sample paper. I cursed myself for a minute, but recollected myself and went forward with the test. It went well asI was satisfied with my performance.

Further, the class continued, and Prof. Larry was up with his another well prepared joke to chill down the confused bunch of students after the exam - 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. The lecture continued with more on proofs. This lecture was based upon proving via Contrapositive and Contradiction, and writing proofs for existence and a sequence. Proofs are not my love for sure, but I believe I'll need to spent some time towards it to grasp it properly. 

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